20 April 2012

3 Ways to be Happy Anywhere, All the time, That you probably already are doing!

There are so many "top ten" lists and "5 tips for success", and I realized I usually click on those, because lets face it I don't have time to read long articles. So... I wanted to make one of my own!

If you travel and relocate frequently, you can understand the unsettling feeling of sleeping in a new place, AGAIN and waking up with no idea what you're doing next (sounds great, but can also be a bit freaky!)

So here it is, my 3 Ways to Be Happy - ANYWHERE

1) Coffee
2) Calendar
3) Gym

Allow me to elaborate.

1) Start your day with coffee

Yes, its cliché, but coffee does wonders for my day.  It doesn't have to be coffee though, think of it as your "way to start the day".  Create your own personal version of how you start your day, whether it is a cup of tea, orange juice or wheatgrass shot.  Having a way to start your engine, begin your day with something consistent that fuels you for the next step.  Having something consistent in the beginning of your day will keep you balanced.

2) Use a calendar - daily.

Having a calendar that I use daily, is the best way to keep me focused. I look at the week and month ahead, to keep on point, and I look at what I've done - to remind myself of what I have accomplished.  I personally use a small pocket calendar, the process of writing with pencil is very effective for me. I've tried many times to use my iPhone calendar, it doesnt work for me - but use whatever works for you.  Having a plan for the day (even if that plan is to REST or catch up on a favorite book) being concious about how you spend your time will pay off.  So those lazy days are very calculated moments to recharge instead of a "day wasted".  Use your calendar daily, and be sure to have a plan for each day.

3) Give yourself some exercise.

I know, I know... like you haven't heard this before?  But its true, regular gym visits or fitness activity of any kind is the key to staying healthy phyically, mentally, emotionally.  The fastest way to my own self-ruin is to not have an active lifestyle where my body is being used just as much as my mind and heart.  Keep yourself active with a walk, a gym, try out a yoga studio (first time students usually get a great deal!), try something new like Tai-Chi or just turn the music on for 5 minutes and dance alone for a few minutes.

Keep these 3 things in your life on a daily basis, and you'll get more out of your day and your life.

** BONUS **

4) Watch the Ellen Degeneres Show, or whatever...

When these three simple things fail, have a go-to thing that makes you cheer up.  For me, it's the Ellen Degeneres show.  I don't have cable so I just turn to YouTube for a few minutes and watch a 3 minute clip of Ellen, just being joyful.  She oozes energy, positivity and fun.  I recommend you find your own "zen-fun" pick me up to get you back on track of positive attitude.  Maybe its a silly animal, something cute, motivational quotes - or Ellen.

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