13 May 2012

Meet my Mom

Today a lot people are talking about moms.  I thought I'd take a minute to tell you about my mom.

She's pretty cool lady, I have to say.  A native San Franciscan, born in the 40s, graduated high school in the 1960s, helped run a family business in the Haight Ashbury, moved to Mexico by herself in the 70s, world traveler, jewelry expert and glass artist.

What else is worth mentioning?  My mom is a good person, a cool friend and a balanced mom.  She was loving and nurturing, while being supportive and organized.  She raised me to be able to stand on my own two feet and be as capable as any woman can be.  She taught me a sense of adventure, curiosity and openness.  She taught me skills to make me independent, self-sufficient and confident.

When other kids around me were getting new expensive gifts and toys, my mom made me earn my allowance, save it and buy things for myself.  When I had a rough time as a teenager she never told me what to do or how to be, but just reminded me of my best qualities.  When I have lost my way, she's been a great listener.  When I've gone off for adventure and moved to all different corners of the world - she's always come to visit, every time.
Mom, 20 years old living in Mexico

My mom is super awesome.
Mom in México

Mom and my sister in the 70's
Mom and I at the top of the temple in Cobá,
Way to go mom climbing pyramids in 90 degree tropical heat in your 60's I'm impressed! :)
Mom and me in Arequipa, Perú
Mom at the top of Machu Picchu

Mom and her daughters

Four generations :)

Grandma, Great Grandma, my mom and my sister (whoa, 70s!)
Mom looking pretty happy tobe a grandma! (Welcome Oliver 3.2.2012)

Mom and Grandma at the flower market in San Francisco
(Grandma had a career as a florist and owned a flower shop on Haight Street)


  1. Thanks Vanessa, this made my day. (note, I was born 6 months before the end of the 40's so I don't remember the 40's at all)

  2. Wow I had no idea your mom is as adventurous as you! Amazing :)

  3. Yah, explains some things - huh Laura? jeje
